
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The weight is on...

Dear George:

I hope you're well.  All good here.

The holiday season is over.  The vacation is over...Now its time for operation 225 to begin.  I haven't been down to 225 since some time near my 14th birthday (okay, maybe not that long ago, but pretty close).  I've decided to lose another 30 pounds.  I lost about 50 pounds (at my lowest weight) last year.  I did this, not with some fad diet.  I did not stop eating broccoli.  I did not only eat honey. I did not stop drinking coffee, but add green tea.

All I really did was eat less and try to eat more healthily.  That is actually a very real issue with me because I don't like vegetables.  My wife makes a mean salad though (and a good dressing) so I focus on those.  I'm farily certain she throws vegetables in some of the food we eat to keep me balanced.  If it was my choice entirely and weight was not an issue (really, health, not weight), I'd chicken wings and burgers every meal.

I'm going to run the Go St. Louis half marathon (again, torturing myself).  My goal is to do it in under 2:20 (11 / mile).  I've never beaten 2:40, so that is a big reduction in time, but if i put my mind to it, i'm sure i can do it.  Hell, last year, I ran 3 miles in 42 minutes.  Now I can in 33 minutes, so clearly its possible.

I am also doing a short triathlon in May.  500 M swim, 20K bike, 5K run.  I really like the triathlons (the training is better).  I'd like to be in the 230s by then (high 230s).  We'll see how we do.  So far, I'm doing well.  I've lost most of the vacation weight and have worked out consistently in the 8 days since we got back.

I'm running and lifting weights and I'll add swimming on Friday.

In other news, I've decided I don't care about T'eo anymore.  No matter the result, it is more sad than anything.  Every guy i know (and i mean EVERY GUY) has lied about a girlfriend or some woman they say the slept with or could have slept with.  It was different when I was in school b/c there was nothing on-line (unless you count AOL), but we all did it.  I did and I'll admit it.  That is what guys do.

T'eo did the same thing.  The difference between him and me (other than the fact that I"m better looking) is that his story made it to Sports Illustrated.  He lied and he was embarrassed and the lie grew and grew.  He couldn't stop it b/c the media began covering.  Does this make him evil.  NO.  Does it make him sick?  NO  Frankly, it kind of makes him normal.  It makes him look like every other college guy who is a little nervous when dealing with women.  He liked the attention it got him.  He'll learn, but it should not stain him forever.

Did you catch the pun??  Man, I'm freaking hilarious.

Have a great day


Friday, January 18, 2013

Interesting times

Its been quite a few weeks...First, the tragedy in Newtown and the resulting gun debate, fueled by the gun enthusiasts who believe that assault weapons are their God given true.

Second, a cruise with my wife that was spectacular   While on the cruise, the ND Fighting Irish got stomped by Alabama.  Manti T'eo played like shit.

Third, get back from cruise, and Lance Armstrong is going to admit his drug use.

Fourth, turns out T'eo was in a relationship (and pushed the story forward) with a woman that was not real...WOW.

The first part of the Armstrong interview played last night -- he looks like an Asshole.  I suppose, though, that if we (the public) really got to know most of the people who win (athletes, CEOs, manageing partners of law firms, politicians) we'd discovery a lot of them assholes.  It raises a good question -- is that what it takes to become super successful (not comfortable, not sucessful, but CEO Type successful)?

I hope not, but it appears that more and more people that are ultra competitive and have reached the very top of their profession have very real personality flaws.  We all have those flaws.  Some of us are selfish...some are needy, some are just dicks, some mean, some insecure.  We all know and accept that human beings are flawed.  I suppose its possible that when you reach the pinnacle of your respective profession, those flaws can be enhanced because there is nobody to tell you that are you acting like an asshole (though my wife would tell me).

When you reach the top -- Pujols, Jordan, Tiger, Armstrong, -- there is nobody around to tell you that you are a jackass.  I think, obviously, there are people at the top who are genuinely nice people.  That is they didn't destroy people to get to the top.  They do not abuse their staff or the public.  They do not think they are better than everybody else simply because of their place in society.  It seems like (though i would presume that this is not a true statement) that more and more of the top people are asses.  In raelity, I'd assume that many titans of indiustry in years past were similarly assholes, but we (the publc) did not know or care to know.  Now everything is out there.

You can't turn around and find something out about a person that you have heard about, whether it be athlete, policitian, industrial CEO, polician.  Frankly, the added knowledge may not be a good thing.

This leads me to T'eo.  I feel sorry for this guy.  I have no idea what happened.  Maybe he was in on it from the beginning as the Deadspin article suggested.  Maybe he had no idea.  I think (like most things) it lies int eh middle.  Its more likely that it was a hoax to begin wtih and he liked it and the attention.  The real concern, on my end, is that he is a homosexual and this was a cover for that.  That would be sad.  It would also make him instnatly sympathetic.  It would not explain the constant lying AFTER he's (or ND) admitted that he knew.  The whole thing is bizarre.  I wonder when he will speak and, if he does speak, what the hell is he going to say??

Interesting times adn I did not even get to gun control (next time).  I hope you have a great day.

Be easy


Friday, January 4, 2013


Dear George:

I was reading an article this morning about the ineffectiveness of the 112th U.S. Congress.  As you may know, I lean left.  I suppose that is not entirely accurate.  I am way left on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana). I am a big supporter of the constitution, that is I think the Bill of Rights are important, but I do NOT believe they provide unfettered access and rights to all things mentioned. (which is the position the Supreme Court takes on all of the amendments).

I believe strongly in the rights of the individual.  If I am not hurting other people, then the Government should stay out of my business.  If I am not costing the Government money (welfare, etc) it should stay out of my business.  If, though, I am taking advantage of a government service, I should be subject to reasonable regulations and laws.

I think big businesses forget how many services they use as they complaint about taxes and regulations.  I think the wealthy forget about the services they use when they complaint about paying "their fair share".  I think that human beings should want to contribute.  Any society cannot survive without assistance from its citizens.  If we continue to take the position that we are not the ones who should need to help, then society will have a issues.  We can't be selfish.

This is not only meant for the wealthy.  Of course, the poor and less fortunate must also take the position they want to help (not say they want to help, but actually help).

There will be more later.

enjoy your day


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dear George

Dear George:

I haven't talked to you in a while.  Hell, I think its been since 12th grade when I wrote in the journal for English class with Ms. Short (remember her).  I'm sure you know all that I've been up to, so I am NOT going to go through the past twenty (yes, I said 20 fucking years) since senior year of high school   Holy shit, i'm getting old :)

I bowled last night and did okay.  Average down to 187, but I bowled a 615 so moving in teh right direction, I suppose.

I'm supposed to have dinner with my nephew tonight.  Don't know where (usually Tucker's), but should be interesting.  His sister (my niece  is pregnant and will be having her child in the next few weeks (this, frankly, is not good news).  She is only 20 and has no business having a kid.  Its been hard watching her go down the wrong path.  Since her mother, my sister, died 2 years ago, she has had a rough time.

She was given some money and still received social security from her father's death.  All I wanted was for her to go to school, but she would not consistently go.  She fucked around and ended up quitting (she claims she will go back, but I am not so sure).  To top it off, she got pregnant (which was probably on purpose though she argues otherwise).

As my nephew says, he is so pissed, but it will not be the kid's fault.  How do you deal with that?  Support her so the kid is okay??  Is that right?  That appears to support her decision?

Not easy decisions, but ones that we have to deal with.  I know one thing, I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm making sure my kids don't have kids for a long time.  They are still little, but I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening.

Not sure how we pull that off, but I'm doing something (chastity belt?  threats? dungeons?)  Any ideas would be helpful...

Its January 3.  My resolutions won't start in earnest until January 14 for reasons not to discuss here.  then it's on like donkey kong....good times...

I've been trying to decide if i should continue working out at 4:45 AM (yes AM) or move it to the night?  I'll continue to consider these options.

That's all of my stream of conscientiousness right now.  Sometimes, when I write its profound, intellecual, sometimes its bullshit...and sometimes its because i don't want to start work.  guess which one this was ...

have a great day.

be easy
