
Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 2 / Day 1

Week 2 / Day 8

This will be brief because I'm tired (of course), but we march on...

1.  I had a productive meeting with a client this morning (he actually followed my advice).  This is a good thing (I'd give more details but he is charged with a crime)

2.  I had dinner with the kids today.  We ate vegetables and turkey pasta.  After dinner, I offered money if they would clean up their toys.  In a rare occurrence  they did it (so they got paid).  Lily read a book to Lucy, Lincoln, and me and they went to bed peacefully.  Nice evening.  This was a good thing.

3.  The weather today was outstanding (in St. Louis).  The temperature was nice, good breeze, and generally very pleasant.  This was a good thing.

I hope that everybody has a great night and day tomorrow.

Until next time

Be Easy


Sunday, September 29, 2013

End of Week 1 -- Day 7 -- 3 more good things

This is the end of Week 1 of three good things.  As I think about these seven days, there have a been a lot of good things -- many of which I did not write down or share.  As I hoped, though, the point is perspective.  I lose it a lot -- I don't think I'm the only to lose perspective.  Sometimes, when we are having a shitty day, the hardest thing is to think of a good thing, but it helps with perspective.

I have stolen the phrase -- First World Problems -- to illustrate the point.  In March, I went to Washington DC for a conference.  We stayed at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, which, to say the least, is not a holiday inn.  It is fantastic.

The conference provided good food, alcohol, good people to meet, and good substance.  During the second evening, I was walking to my room.  Next to me, was a woman also walking down the hall.  It was a long walk from the elevator our respective rooms.  As we are walking, she turns to me and complains because of the long walk.  She is bitching and whining about why her room is so far from the elevators.  I listen for 30 seconds or so, and I turn to her and say

"that might be true, but we are walking down the halls of one of the nicest hotels in DC, that we don't have to pay for.  The long walk is a first world problem -- we'll live".

She laughed and agreed -- the point was made.  We need to stop complaining about stuff that really is nothing.

enough of that -- on to my 3 things

1.  I went to the zoo with Lily and Lucy.  We took the train, went to the children's zoo, got face painting, and had a Characature  drawn of the three of us.  We got Popsicles  petted a snake and some goats, and saw the alligator.  This was a good thing.

2.  While Lucy and Lily were at the zoo, Lincoln went to his birthday party.  It was a super hero party.  He loved it and wore his cape and mask as Super Lincoln all day.  This was a good thing.

3.  I met somebody on Friday who works for a local company.  They reached out to me over the weekend because they need some legal work done -- This is a good thing.

I hope that everybody has a great week.  If we can keep perspective, i think that will help.  Enjoy your evening and the rest of your day.

Be easy

-- cp

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 6 - Three more good things

It is day 6.  It's late (I'm tired), but I have 3

1.  I bought a new sandwich (using the gift certificates from yesterday that I won in the tournament).  I don't  often buy myself stuff like that.  I'm happy that I got it before my trip to Florida in about 10 days.  This was a good things

2.  Went out to the new home site (its taking shape) and talked to the tree guy about some trees for the back corner of our yard.  Might not seem big, but he was very nice and knew what he was talking about. I consider this a good thing.

3.  Last, but not least, the kids had a good day.  We went to a friend's house for a BBQ and they got to play outside for hours and hours with other kids.  They don't do that often during the weekends, especially now that we are in the apartment.  This was a good thing.

I'm almost one week in to 30 days of good things and its going well.  I have liked doing this.  I have also liked, more than my own good things, are the good things that my friends are placing on facebook.   

I hope that everybody has a great Sunday.  

Be Easy


Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 5 -- Three more good things

Today is day 5 and it has been a good day.  (tribute to  Ice Cube).  It was Friday and I ended the day by playing golf with a good friend and two attorneys from the firm.  All good. I must say that I am beginning to believe in this good thing stuff.  It is helping me keep perspective.  It is reminding me how important the good  things are.

I received a message from a friend yesterday.  She told me that she had been arguing with her son and he said he had a horrible day.  She told him to come up with a good thing that happened that day.  Initially, he said nothing, but after some prodding, he came up with something (there is always something).  The argument ended and he felt better.

I think that if we search for the good things, it can make the ineveitable bad things less important.  There is a lot of good everyday and it can be hard to see them or appreciate them, but this exercise is making them more visible. Now, on to three good things.

1.   I enjoyed a beautiful day playing golf instead of sitting my office wishing I was playing golf. I was able to play with a very good friend and two attorneys from my firm.  Two attorneys that I did not know very well before, but that I had a great time getting to know.  I also won $150.00 in gift cards from Golf Galaxy (closest to the pin).  This was a good thing.

2.  The weather was outstanding today.  It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze.  Sometimes, we should appreciate the weather -- This was a good thing

3.  My son slept until 7 AM.  This was a good thing -- no explanation needed.

I hope that everybody had a good day.  I did.  Have a great nigth and have a great weekend.  I will be posting over the weekend.

Be Easy


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 4 -- 3 more things

Today is day 4.  Something that I've found interesting about this process is that I am beginning to look for things that I would consider "good".  Its been good to do this (26 days left).  In any event, a couple of people have started doing the same thing on facebook.  Its been good to see.

1.  I went to the Wine Tap in Belleville with my wife.  Its her birthday.  We talked (just us), had wine, flatbread pizza, and I told her that I bought her Justin Timberlake tickets for her birthday (she was happy) --This was a good thing.

2.  I took all three kids to school today.  After dropping Lily off, Lucy and Lincoln and I went to the new house and watched the men and women work.  They were working on the neighbor's lot.  The foundation for our new house is almost done and it looks great (as far as I can tell).  This was a good thing.

3.  At lunch, I walked to Jimmy John's.  this wasn't good.  What was good was how much I like walking past the Old Courthouse.  I love Old Courthouses and one of the oldest is right next to my building.  This is a good thing.

I hope that each and every one of you have a good day tomorrow.

Be easy


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 3 - three more good thngs

It's late on Wednesday the 25th, or late for me now.

I did not forget my three good things.  Here they are:

1.  I bowled tonight.  I've bowled since I was about 4 when my dad took me.  We lived in Baltimore at that time.  Since then, I've bowled in tournaments, in leagues, worked in bowling alleys, and done almost anything you can think of in a bowling alley.  I bowl on Wednesdays.  I bowled well today and the team won.  This was a good thing

2.  I ate lunch at Kemolls today. I've never eaten there and I've lived in st Louis for most of my life. I ate with a close friend. It was a good thing.

3. As I was driving home today, I heard ice cube's, today was a good day.   That song always makes me smile.  This was a good thing.

Until tomorrow....  Be easy


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24 -- 3 more good things

This is day 2 of 3 good things.

1.  Tonight, like every night, we have the kids tell us for what they are grateful.  Everyday, the reasons are similar -- family, mommy, daddy, lily, lucy, lincoln, school, teacher, animals, baby animals, plants.  Today, Lincoln looked at me and said I am grateful for Daddy.  That was a good thing.

2. Its a good thing to be able to be healthy enough to exercise   Tonight, I went to the YMCA and worked out.  I do this to be healthy so I can be around to see the kids grow up, meet their kids, and see the wonderful people they become (optimistic, aren't I?)

3. Tonight, watching the Cardinal Game.  I won't list this every night --remember no repeats -- tonight, though Wacha has a no hitter through 8 innings.  This is good stuff.

To those that are joining me, post them in the comments, or in your head, or wherever.  For those that haven't joined me,  you should.  I believe that if we focus on the positive (what we are grateful for, the kind things that we may have done, and the good things we see, feel, and experience) we can all be happier, more positive people.  And that is good for all of us.

Have a great night

Be Easy


Monday, September 23, 2013


I was at a conference last week.  The conference was excellent -- it was with a lot of other lawyers -- sounds fun, doesn't it??

In any event, one of the issues that we discussed was the general unhappiness of lawyers and ways that it can be improved.  there were interesting stats (some depressing...ironic, huh?), and a lot of very good thoughts on happiness -- like that it can be objectively measured and improved.

One of the discussion points centered around the idea of 3 good things.  In a recent study, one group of people were required to write down 3 good things they saw, experienced, or felt, for one week.  The control group was not under any such obligation.  After 1 week, the groups were measured and compared.  The group that was required to write down 3 good things were objectively happier than the other group.

In another study, researchers discovered diaries for a number of nuns in a convent in Europe.  The Nuns had been born before 1917.  The researchers reviewed the diaries and categorized them as positive or negative.  The discovered that of those in the top quartile with positive thoughts, 90% were alive in 2002 (approx.).  Of those in the bottom quartile, only 34% were alive.

I have decided to embark on the 3 good things task.  The rules are as follows.  I will write three good things that I see, feel, or experience everyday for 30 days.  They cannot repeat (i can't mention my family each day), they must be different and independent.  Other than that, they can be anything that i believe is good and a brief explanation as to why.  I begin as follows:


1.   My family (combined so i don't cheat) -- they are healthy and happy -- that is a good thing.
2.  Larry Porter -- my closest friend and, in reality, my brother.
3.  Anthony Graphenreed -- my nephew -- he lost his mother, my sister, about 3 years ago, but he keeps doing the right thing.  I'm blessed to be related to him.

I have no doubt that this will get harder, but i cannot believe that I don't see, experience, or feel 3 good things each day.  I will post daily to prove it can be done.

The real question is -- will anybody join me?

I hope you have a wonderful day

Be Easy
