Today is the one month anniversary of when I started my three good things. I started it as an exercise after attending a conference in which a speaker talked about how miserable lawyers are. He told us how trying to find good things can objectively affect one's happiness.
He talked about happiness is not innate can be taught, it can be increased, and it can be decreased within each of us. Obviously it varies -- some days are better than others. But each person has a base line -- a place where our mood generally rests.
I did the three good things because I wanted to do it. i wanted to know if I could find three good things every day. I wanted to know if I could find good things even when things were going badly or when I was having a shitty day. Turns out, I could do it.
So this is the last day and here are my three good things.
1. I did three good things daily (or almost daily) for 30 days. That is 90 good things that I saw, experienced, felt, heard, or believed. That is a lot of good things. Thinking of those 90 things makes me realize how blessed I am. This is a good thing.
2. I had some friends who joined me in this little journey. A few others, periodically, mentioned their good things on FB. This is a good thing. If more people would think of good things, instead of how shitty the driver in front of them is, or the cold wind, or their crappy hamburger, or the fact the dog shit on the rug, or, or or, and focused on good things, like people getting a job, good food, good drinks, the Cardinals, a sunrise, a sunset, etc etc etc -- maybe this world would get a little happier and not so fucking petty -- This may not seem like a good thing. The good thing is that my friends did it too.
3. Lastly, a regular one. A close friend's wife (and a close friend in her own right) got a job today. She has been looking for a long time. She deserves good things (all good things) as much as anybody. she is a wonderful person and her husband is spectacular. I am so happy for both of them....This is a good thing.
I hope that everybody has a great day, week, month, and rest of 2013. I'm going to do my good things periodically because its good for me. Enjoy the World Series.
Have a great night
Be Easy
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