
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 ....and looking to 2013

2012 is finally has been a long and difficult year for me.  Generally and in all of the big ways, it has been great.  The kids are good, the wife is good, and we are all healthy.  On a more personal level, that is when its all about me, its been fucking brutal.

The early part of the year were fine.  I trained for, and completed, my first 1/2 marathon.  Never thought I'd be able to do that (hell, 18 months ago I couldn't run 1 mile, let alone 13).  I lost almost 50 pounds over the course of the year.  I'm working on the next 30 in 2013.  More fucking exercise, I suppose.  I hate that shit, but you do what you have do, right?

In April, shit began falling apart.  To put it blandly, I had some work issues, that were not my fault (aren't those the worst kind?).  At the end of May, I received bad news regarding work.  In July, I left my old firm and joined a new firm (a big law firm downtown).  I find this very ironic for a few reasons:

1.  This firm never would have hired me before they did...I am not their normal "profile" for new attorneys.
2.  I did not finish in the top ten of my class; i did not work at large law firms during the summers
3.  I have an authority problem.

It has worked out though (5 1/2 months in).  They have treated me well and I have work to do so, in the end, that is all that matters.

In October, I began the trial of my life.  I will provide more details after it is completely finished (sentencing is in March so you know the result).  That was very tough and emotional for me.  I like the guy and he is reminding me constantly of that fact.  Very tough day on the 28th.

Now it's 2013.  I kept most of my 2012 resolutions....less soda, work out more, eat better (most of those b/c of my wife).  Those will not be my 2013 resolutions b/c they are a life style choice and I've made them.  I will still go out to lunch and eat a burger periodically, but I'll continue to do better.  I'd like to live a while so I can see my kids as adults and meet their kids (if they have them).  My resolutions are more about making me well rounded.

I want to read more non-fiction books.  I'm reading a book about Thomas Jefferson now and I am going to continue reading such books.  I'll give reports about them as I read them.

I want to write more.  I have written 3 books (novellas, really) during NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month).  I did not in November this year b/c of the trial, but there is no law that you have to wait until November to write.  I am also going to write on this site more often.  If nothing else, i like it.  Its a good way to pass the time, it gets stuff out that needs to get out, and it will give a history for my children when they are old enough to read some of these posts.

The writing is for me.  Its to flesh out my thoughts and opinons and make me think.  When I was in school, I did my best studying when I was writing.  It makes me think about what I am considering, which often will result in a different view.  Not very exciting, but useful (I'd recommend it to others.  @JeremyBaldwin is / was prolific writer and I hope he continues writing as he was before (though the kids make it more difficult).

I have no doubt that 2013 will be a good year.  All in all, I hope and pray for the same things:

1.  The family stays healthy and generally happy.
2.  That professionally, I keep advancing, learning more, getting better, and earning enough money to support my family .
3.  That I stay healthy and that the wife and I have no major health scares (or minor health scares)
4.  That everybody try to remember that most of what we worry about is relatively minor compared to the issues that other people face.  Let's keep some perspective on life.  Its not the end of the world.  If you are healthy, your kids are healthy, you have a roof and some food, it could be a lot worse.  Don't get pissy b/c you can't buy the sweater that you wanted...

Enough preaching.  Have a great day and a great year.  Next time (2013) I'm will be wrirting again, but I am going to change the format some.  In 8th, 9th, and 12th grade I had to keep a journal.  In that journal, it always worked best if I was writing to somebody, so I wrote to "George".  I've decided to bring George out of retirement 20 years now) and begin writing to him.  Be easy everybody and talk to you soon.
