
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Its Just What I Think: Its been a long tim

Its Just What I Think: Its been a long tim: I have been considering adding to my blog for some time. I bought an Ipad in May and it turns out, that has actually curtailed my writing q...

Its been a long time

I have been considering adding to my blog for some time.  I bought an Ipad in May and it turns out, that has actually curtailed my writing quite a lot.  Without my computer at home (b/c I keep it work) I don't write nearly as much as I used too.  That is concerning b/c I like writing.

November is NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month).  I will be writing my 3rd novel next month.  I have some ideas about what it will be about, but nothing concrete.  My first novel (i use that term very loosely) was a book about the Devil coming to earth.  It focused on one person and how he became evil and the group of people who knew what was happening and trying to stop it.

The second book was a post-apocyptic story.  The story took place some 200 years from now, in a world decimated by wars.  The only remainig people live in a city surrounded by walls.  They are not allowed to leave.  Of course, there are some people who can get out.  The focus of the story is one man who is outside the walls and who has lived outside for some time.  He moves back inside when he hears that the only woman he loved has been captured.  I think this book and story were better than the first.  In reality, I need to spend some time reading adn editing them so I can decide if they are as bad as I think they are.

In any event, this book may be completely different then the others.   Who  knows.  The one thing that I have learned in the process of writing the previous books is the almost living nature of the novel.  To me, it is the ultimate creation b/c everything the writer creates everything.  Mood, look, story, romance, violence, tone of voice, integrity, etc.  It really is quite a process.  I think you also learn interesting thigns about yourself as you write a story that has a protagnoist that is likely based upon somebody that you know or might know (or even yourself).  On the other hand, it might be a story about somebody you would like to be.  I really enjoy it and I am looking forward to writing again.  Of course, I'll have to lug my computer around for 30 days, but its worth when, on November 30, I have finished my third novel (again, I use that term very loosely).

Finally, how about those Cardinals.  In the end don't they prove that we, the fan, know very little about what a team is feeling and what they will do.  I still remember August 24, the sweep by the dodgers was over (or about to be) and thinking that the season was over.  They looked like they quit and just did not care.  In a matter of weeks, they are one game from the World Series, possibly playing better than any other team.  Game 5 of the NLDS was fantastic (though it helped I was in New Orleans with my wife watching the  game on Bourbon Street).

I have begun the very important process of making sure my kids are cardinal fans.  I think its catching.

I hope to write more in the coming weeks, though November will be more slow b/c of the novel.  I will give updates (and maybe snippets) as the story begins to take shape.  Take care of yourself and others.

Be Easy


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do you believe?

In the midst of the increasingly rancorous debate regarding the debt ceiling, budgets, taxes, healthcare, and other related domestic issues, it has occurred to me that I have not heard any one discuss what the people want.  If you are a frequent reader of this blog (and I assume you are :)  )then you know that my primary issue has been, and will continue to be, that "our" representatives do not care what we, the people who put them in office, actually think or want.  I talk to people all of the time, and I ask, what do you believe?  what do you think is right, or okay?

In any event, I was going to write something about politics again, about the lack of accountability, the complete lack of respect shown by both sides towards their constituents, and a hundred other issues that cause me great concern, but, frankly I am completely disgusted.  I am not a Republican and I am not a Democrat.  In the end, here is a short list of things I believe:

This is some of what I believe:

I believe drugs should be legalized and the costs used to incarcerate people now for personal amount of drugs should be used in rehabilitation.
I believe that the death penalty should be banned.  All industrial countries in the world, except ours, has banned it.  We should too.
I believe that a persons should be able to marry who they want to marry.
I believe  that a person's right to practice the religion of their choice is one of the founding principles  of this country.
I believe the constant open attacks on Islam are sickening.
I believe in the second amendment, but I do not believe it gives people the right to carry automatic weapons.
I believe the government has to increase revenue, whether by increasing taxes of the wealthy, increasing corporate taxes, or getting more people to work.  A tax increase may be unnecessary if more people were working b/c they would pay taxes and they would buy things that are subject to sales tax.  And they might buy real estate that is subject to real estate taxes.  If that does not raise enough money, then a tax increase needs to be considered.
I also believe the tax code should be thrown away, and rewritten with a simple flat tax rate. no more exceptions, deductions, and loop holes.  Make the percentage reasonable and be finished with it.  Imagine the money saved by reducing the number of employees (and administrative costs) related to the current tax structure.
I believe that everybody should have access to AFFORDABLE health care.  I also believe employers should not provide health insurance, we should buy it like people do all other sorts of insurance (of course, this would require an overhaul of the entire system so it was affordable)
I believe that Tupac Shakur is the greatest rapper of all time, though I would put Erik B and Rakim, Run DMC, Notorious BIG, Eminem, and Snoop Dogg in a dead heat after him.
I believe the Cosby Show was the best sit com, not only because it was freaking funny, but because it showed Black people in a light that was very differnt for that time.
I believe people of color should be described as Black, African American is not precise nor accurate.  Additionally, is it correct to call a Black person from Germany (or anywhere not in AFrica) an African American?  If white people are white, then black people should be black.
I believe my daughter has it right when she tells me that I am brown, but my father is browner, and she is light brown.  That is accurate.
I believe the Cardinals will NOT win the NL Central. The brewers are better.
I believe to live and let live.  Who cares what everybody else is doing and what they have?

In the end, as everybody knows, this is just what I think.  Nothing more and nothing less.

I hope everybody has a great day / evening.  I am hoping that Lincoln sleeps past 4, though I doubt it.

Be Easy


Friday, August 5, 2011

Its been a while and I have some stuff to say

It has been a while since I posted.  I have been busy (3 kids) and I haven't had the time or energy to write at night.  I should spend time while at the office to throw something down.  In any event, its 5:30, the little boy is up, and I decided to throw something down.

A lot has happened since my last post.  The Federal Government held everybody hostage with the debt ceiling debate.  The democrats gave away the farm to get a deal.  Polls showed that 70 percent of people polled believe that increasing taxes is not a bad idea.  Surprisingly (that is sarcasm) there is no revenue increase.  Instead, the "deal" only includes trillions of dollars of cuts.  In the end, the two parties are not different.   The "tea party" candidates are different.  They are a disgrace, if only because they try to relate to the historical tea party.  They, of course, have the right to believe what they believe (no matter who jacked up those beliefs are).  My issue is they try to "harkan" back to the founding fathers. You know the founding fathers, men who were some of the most intelligent men who ever lived.  Men who were actually progressive, something the Tea Party members surely are not.

In any event, the Democrats and Republicans are really the same people. That is their only concern is reelection.  I admit I was an Obama supporter.  I went to his rally in Springfield, IL.  I saw him speak.  I listened, and I actually believed what he said.  Change, hope, dreams.  He is a hell of a speaker.

However, in the end, it is clear his main concern is only reelectin.  We need a President who is willling to stand up and piss some people off.  I would like to see one candidate who is willing to take a chance and say what actually needs to be said.  God knows none (of the vast vast majority) are capable of telling teh truth, or standing up for what they believe in.

It seems to one way to solve this problem is term limits.  At least then, you would not have Senators and Representatives who are really only worried about their reelection.  They might actually worry about what is better for the Country....  Does anybody really think that the people in congress, those who make a very good living by salary, great benefits, and the other money they receive (whether illegally or legally) are going to enact a system that limits their public service???  the answer is clearly NO.

If there was ever time in this country for a 3rd party with a sack, this is it.

We will discuss later.

On another note, in 22 days, I am playing Pebble Beach with my brother and Dad.  I don't play as often as them due to time constraints (DAd is retiured and lives on a golf course, brother is married, no kids so both can play as they want to).

I will beat them both, though.  My skill set is so dramatically better than theirs.  I will keep you posted as get closer.

Finally, the little boy got tubes last week and it has been great.  He is doing better (sleeping) and just generally happier.  Glad we did it.  (of course, I write this at 6:00 b/c he was up at 5:30).  :)

Oh well.

Just remember, this is just what I think.  Nothing more and nothing less.

Have a great day and be easy.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I am at work, but I am not being very productive today.  so I have decided to put down a quick post to pass some time while I take a short break from working and annoying those that work with me.  Today, I think I have been more productive in that vein than in real productive work.  I kid, I kid.  Today has been productive, just like every day. :)

As I have thought about things since my last post, quite a bit has happened.  The President has announced he is pulling troops out of Afganistan.  New York passed a law legalizing marriage between to people of the same gender.  The Casey Anthony Trial has captivated Florida and probably the nation.  We have seen debates between Republicans vying for the nomination.  We have seen doomsday scenarios related to teh debt ceiling.  We have seen Blagovich get convicted.  We have seen Ron Artest change his name to Metta World Peace (my favorite thing that has happend since my last post).  Interesting times.

I listened to the radio today and they were discussing why it appears the Republicans are focusing so much energy on social issues.  it seems to me they could gain some traction if they focused on economic or domestic issues that are clearly causing people angst.  Unemployment is not much better.  The real  estate market sucks, but, instead, the focus of much of teh rebpublican rhetoric is on gay marriage, I guess I don't get it.  I know that I am probably simplifying it quite a bit, but that seems to be much of the sound bites and headlines (I realize, of course, that forming an opinion on soundbites and headlines is likely one of the most uninformed ways to form said opinion).

In any event, these are clearly interesting times.  A lot is changing in our country and our world.  The question is where do we go from here?  where does the nation go?  where do the people go?  Where does teh world go?  In some ways, it is easy to be optimistic because people clearly still care for other people.  On the other hand, we are becoming so attached to our things, our computers, our stuff that we have lost, in many ways, the ability to effectively communicate.  Hell, look at me, I am writing this on a computer to who ever reads it, but I have never had this conversation with a friend of mine.

We are reduced to 140 character sentences or status updates about how we are doing, what we are reading, and why we are sad or happy.   I know this is a rambling essay on a myriad of things, but, I hope, it raises some interesting questions.

Where are we going?  How do we get there?  Is this going to end well?

Questions that I dont' think many people have an answer to.

Please remember, this is just what I think...

As always, be easy


Saturday, June 18, 2011

A story

All that we hear these days is about all of the reasons things can't be done.  I don't know who to talk to.  I don't know where to go.  If I go, nobody will help me.  I don't know what I want to do.  I don't have the money.  I don't know where to get the money.  I can't, i won't, I don't.... Every reason that people come up with is complete bull shit.

In 1941, a boy was born to a 16 year old mother in St. Louis City.  They had very little money.  The boy's grandfather would have nothing to do with the boy's mother  because of the pregnancy.  The father was a successful man, but the boy, his brother, and mother received nothing from him..

The boy grew up near what is now the Central West End.  He, his mother, and his little brother lived in a very small house on the corner of Pendleton and Easton (what is now Martin Luther King Drive).  They had very little. The boy's father lived in the neighborhood, but he provided little support (either financial or otherwise).  The mother did what she could with what she had, but they had very little.

The boy was very smart, though he often hid it so his friends would not know he liked school.  As the boy grew, he did well in school even as many of his friends did poorly or did not even try to study and learn.   At 13, the boy began going to a local pool hall (as approved by his mother).  He learned to shoot pool and became quite good.  The boy began gambling to earn some extra money for the family and for himself.

As he grew up, he continued to do well in school even though his friends became involved in drugs, alcohol, or other behavior that made school, at best, secondary to them.  After the boy graduated, he joined the air force.  He was in until he was allowed to be discharged early due to a significant health problem with his mother.  When he came back, he had nothing.  He had a diploma, but nothing else.  he had no money and no real prospects..

He continued shooting pool for extra money and, eventually was hired by the United States Postal Service as a mail man.  He delivered mail for some time, but he knew and believed he could do more with his life.  Finally, at the age of about 25 began going to  Forest Park Community College.  When he started he had no idea what he was going to do.  He looked at the many brochures and decided he wanted to be a doctor.  He did not know how to become a doctor, but he figured he had to take a lot of science classes, so he did.  He went everyday, he studied, and he completed the 2 years at Forest Park.  He had no idea if he was taking the necessary classes.  He did well, but he had to figure out what to do next.

Remember, he had no mentor, no parental figure to help him, he had nothing but himself.   After those 2 years, still poor, still just hanging on, he talked to some people at Forest Park and he determined he needed to keep going to school.  Since he lived in St. Louis, and that was all he really knew, he applied for admission to St. Louis University.  He was accepted and he began classes.  He entered the pre-med program, even though, he may have been the most unorthodox member of that program he continued to excel.  He did not have the advantage of a family name.  He did not have the advantage of any information other than what he could find out on his own.

In addition to those hurdles, this was the late 60s / early 70s and he was Black.  Maybe now that is not as large of a hurdle, but then it still mattered.  He entered SLU and he was able to finish those final two years and obtain his degree.  In 1970, he got married to a Masters Candidate at St. Louis University.  She was a smart girl from Minnesota (guess what, she was white -- who would guess coming from Minnesota).  In 1971, this presented even different problems for both of them.  He, and they, perseevered.  During his senior year, he applied for admission to medical school.  He was admitted.

Finally, in 1975, he graduated from SLU Medical School and reached his goal of getting M.D. After graduation, the boy (now a man), his wife, and new son went to Baltimore for the boy's residency.  He completed the residency and moved the family to Superior, Wisconsin.  The remained there until 1985 when he moved his family back to St. Louis.  He worked primarily as an Emergency Room Physician during the bulk of his career.  This boy is my father.

He taught me more about perservence, personal responsibility, and accountability than anybody else.  He and my mother never let my brother or I make excuses for our conduct or situation.

I understand (as much as anybody who represents indigent clients) that situations and circumstnaces can make everybody's life difficult.  It can feel impossible to do what you need to do.  it can feel impossible to succeed and get what others have or feel.  In reality, those are excuses.  I know and understand it might be very hard.  Quit bullshitting around and get it done.  My father had no advantages, and, in fact had more disadvantages than people do now.  He figured it out.

Now my Mom and Dad live in Florida.  They are retired.  and when I go visit him (and probably when my brother vists him) he often talks about how he never thought he would be sitting on a patio of a home in Florida that is near a golf course and the beach, drinking scotch, smoking a cigar.  When he was growing up, he could not even attempt to dream about what he accomplished.  He had a thousand reasons not to go to Forest Park, SLU, or SLU  Medical School, but instead of focusing on the reasons he couldn't do it, he just did it.

Happy Father's Day, Dad.

Yes it was before 5 in the morning when I wrote the first draft b/c Lincoln likes to wake up very early.  He is happy and healthy (just like Lily and Lucy) and  that is all that really matters, even though I have been up since 330.

Be Easy and remember it is just what I think.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Morning

Its Saturday, June 11.  I got clipped yesterday.  I decided a few months ago that it was time.  One of my very good friends was clipped last summer and told me it wasn't too bad.  Of course, he over did it in the days following and was out of commission longer than he should have been.

At 2:30 yesterday, a urologist did things to me that I never thought somebody would do to me.  In the end, the procedure was not too bad.  It hurt, but it was not debilitating.  I got home about 4:00.  The night was okay.  The pain was a dull ache just below my stomach.  I was prescribed Tylenol with Codeine, though I have only taken one of the 10 pills.  I have found that regular Tylenol is working just fine.  I should be up and running by Monday.  I can't exercise for a week (no running or lifting weights), but I should be walking okay.  Today, I am still walking rather slowly and gingerly.  The hardest part is the kids always want to be picked up (I can't do that until Monday/Tuesday).  Also, they like climbing on me, which often results in kids stepping or hitting my man land.  Of course, that would be VERY BAD, so they can't really climb on me either.

The toughest part, though, is watching my poor wife handle all three of them.  Normally,  it is okay, but the youngest has a cold and slept (I use that word very loosely) very poorly last night.  Coupled with the oldest suffering from exhaustion, which makes her a maniac and it is hard watching her have to deal with all of that.  It will be okay, but today is going to be tough.

If the oldest can maintain some behavior, I will take her to the birthday party that is scheduled today. If she can't maintain, then I will be delivering a present to the party, but without the oldest.

On a different note, I have been watching the Palin email reporting.  I saw a tweet from Ashton Kutchar (I know!!) suggesting he was not happy with the media's focus on those emails.  I must say I completely agree.  I know she is a characture of herself.  She is so out there that it is unbelievably difficult to feel any empathy or sympathy (I forget which) for her.  She is not a very likable person.  Saying that, though, she should not have to have the national media pouring over her emails just because she is who she is.  I don't remember the media trying to get the emails for other politicians  (at least not to this degree or not related to a specific issue ie Matt Blunt in MO).  This seems like a witch hunt (no pun intended).  Of course, it would not surprise me if the Republicans are behind it so she does not run for President and mess up what ever chance they have to unseat Obama.  I don't think they will be able to do it anyway, but Palin surely can't.

Finally, how about those Cardinals!!  First place (even though they got shellacked yesterday by the Bewers) and they fighting for the best record in MLB.  Who saw that coming????

I hope everybody has a great weekend.  I will be posting again soon.  It has been unbelievably busy and home and work, which is good, but makes writing difficult.

Comments, complaints, criticisms are always welcome.  Please let me know what you think.

As always, this is just what I think.

Be Easy


Thursday, June 2, 2011

5:00 Again

Its 5:37 AM on June 2.  I failed in my quest to write 30 blogs in 30 days.  Frankly, I ran out of time.  3 kids keep you really freaking busy.  I still wanted to do it, and I am disappointed, particularly because I did not write last week when the family was gone.  Yes, it was just me from last Tuesday - Saturday.  Needless to say, I had no idea how to fill my time.  The house was very quiet with no kids and no wife.

On Saturday, I went to MN to finish the trip with the family.  We saw a game at Target Field (Twins).  Nice park, but the concourses were too narrow in the outfield.

On another note, Shaw retired yesterday.  I only mention this because I have watched him play basketball since I was in college.  I always was a Shaq fan and I never understood those that did not like him.  I suppose you could think he was over the top, but he was one person who acted like they were actually having fun.

On a more serious note, I was in trial this week and talking to one of the deputies.  During our conversation, we discussed the young people and what is happening to our society.  It stemmed from a recent sentencing (it hit the papers) where an 18 year old received 175 years for a home invasion / murder.  Obviously, a big boy crime.

The deputy made the point that people in general (black, white, etc) need to stop blaming other people or things, or events for their behavior.  It is time to take responsibility for our actions.  This was in response to the comments of another person who indicated that historical events played a role in the crime.

I think I read a lot.  I think I am some what progressive.  I, as much as anybody, believe in helping those people who need it.  I do not, though, believe we should help the capable forever.  At some point, don't people have to take responsibility for their actions?  At some point, don't people have to pull themselves up and do something?  I know how hard it is.  I have represnted indigent people for almost ten years in one capacity or another. I know how difficult it can be to pull yourself up and make things better.  I also know it is not impossible.  Over the next few weeks, this blog will be discussing my ideas and thoughts on how real change can occur, what needs to happen to make it possible, and whether it is possible.

I see what is happening in our city (St. Louis) and I hear what happens in other cities.  Something needs to change. The fundamental question is simply, can it?

Remember, this is only what I think.

On a more positive note, I mentioned Target Field.  We also went to the racetrack in MN (Horse racing).  My oldest daughter, who was terrified of horses last year, rode a pony.  She had ridden one last October, but this time she did it with no help.  She always loved horses from far away, but now she is starting to love them from up close.

Have a great day.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Night

Its 10:00 on Friday and I am sitting here watching some television.  The Cardinals lost today and fell out of first place.

My oldest daughter had a note sent home from school today.  She scratched another girl in her class on the leg.  When we asked her why she did that, she told us she did it because she wanted to.  We get that answer quite a bit (b/c I wanted to).  Interesting logic.  God loves 4 year olds (or He is paying me back for all of the shit I did as a kid).

On another note, on Facebook, a friend of mine posted a new Supreme Court opinion, Kentucky v. King (or King v. Kentucky - I don't feel like looking it up).  In any event, the Court in King decided, essentially, that if the police accidentally created exigent circumstances they could enter a house without a warrant.  Long story short, in King, the defendants were in their house.  Police were chasing another man threw the apartment building when the lost sight of him.  They believed he went into a particular apartmnet, so they knocked on the door and announced their presence.  They heard scuffling behind the door and assumed the people (the presumed person they were chasing) was destroying evidence.  Tnhey broke in the door and found King with drugs even though he was not the target of the investigation.  King said the cops were not in his apartment legally because they did not have a warrant.  the Court disagreed.

I posted a quick note in response indicating I disagreed with the opinion because it could give officers a means to "create" circumstances that would justify a warrantless intrusion.  There is a built in tension between police and defense counsel.  Many times, we have to present the police as evil, or that they only act with bad intentions.  I know for me, and I would assume for most of the defense attorneys that I know, that all officcers are not bad or trying to just lock up anybody for any reason.  Clearly, most police (the vast vast majority) are good people trying to do things the right way, the right way in a job that is largely thankless.

Saying that, though, the various protections of the U.S constitution and relevant state constitutions are not abot protecting citizens from the police officers who have integrity and character.  Instead, those protections are meant to protect citizens from those officers and law enforcement who are willing to do anything to arrest somebody, gain a prosecution, or otherwise "do their job".  The issue that seems to be largely missed is the protections that are afforded all citizens (not just those related to law enforcement), but all protections are about ensuring the citizens of the USA are protected and remain the rightful owners of this Country.  Once those protections are gone (and they are slowly being taken away), then this Country will be in worse shape.

On a good note, I left work early to get my son's birth certificate from teh county office today.  That was a success.  After, I went to the park to play with the kids.  We came home and made hamburgers for dinner (of course the fun was tempered by the note described above).  All in all, though, a good night.

As always, this is just what I think.

Be Easy

-- CP

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not a lot to say today

In an interesting turn of events, I don't have much to say today.  I had a court appearance early, and then office work, which is the bane of my existence.  I was somewhat productive today.  I made it home about 7:10 (normal time).  As usual, the best part of my day is when I open the door.

As soon as I open the door and step inside, my two oldest daughters run to me to give me a hug.  I know that eventually they will not do that.  Since they are only 4 1/2 and 2, they still are happy when I get home.  I am sure that over the next few years that will change.  First, the oldest will decide she is not happy I am home and then the youngest.  The boy, who is only 7 months, has a while before he does not want me around.

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about when is it okay to let your child spend the night at somebody's house?  In the end, I guess you have make the decision based upon your child and how well you know the parent.  It is an interesting topic though.  Do you let your children spend the night at a house where there is only a man present?  Does there have to be a women around for a parent to feel comfortable letting their child spend the night?  Does a woman have to be present for your child to be welcome at another's house.  At first, I thought that would be crazy, but the more I considered my daughters I decided that, frankly, I would not be wild about either of them spending time at any house where there was an adult man.  Never really thought about it before, but I guess I am going to have to soon.

By the way, Thunder in 6.

I already described the good thing that happened today (the girls running to hug me when I got home).  I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow.

Remember, this is just what I think.

Be easy


Monday, May 16, 2011

Seriously ... seriously.

As some of you may have seen, Bernard Hopkins (boxer) has accused Donovan McNabb of not being "black enough."  Seriously.  Is being Black about being black enough?  What does that even mean?  This troubles me, not only because I have heard that insult before, but also because I am the father of 3 children who are "mixed twice" (my phrase).  They are going to hear insults about that (at least I assume so.  I hope by the time they are older such ignorance has been eradicated, but I doubt it).

They are going to be questioned about their race, whether I'm their Dad (at least for the youngest since he has blue eyes), or whether my wife is their mother (the oldest two are darker).  A major problem for the black community is this idea about "being black."  Hopkins is only the latest to embarrass himself and his race by suggesting that a black man who grows up with parents and part of the middle class is not black enough.  We probably all remember the Jalen Rose/Grant Hill debacle. For those that do not remember, Jalen Rose called Grant Hill an Uncle Tom because he grew up in a two parent home.  Are you kidding me?

Grant Hill responded better than I ever could.  Why must a black man be a certain way to be considered black enough.  I've heard it from clients, class mates, and people in bars (when I did that type of stuff :).  Is it too white to speak as if one has actually completed their education?  Am I too white because I have 2 parents involved in my life.  Am I too white because I am a lawyer?  Where does the ignorance stop and when does actual common sense, wisdom, and progressive thinking (sad that this would be progressive) take over.  When do black communities start elevating each other instead of pushing down?

I don't know the solution, but I know that things better change.

On another note, I discovered that  Bread Company will make my ham and swiss toasted.  Clearly, I should have known that, but I didn't.  As  result, I had a very good ham and swiss on toasted rye bread for lunch.  I can only hope tomorrow brings as much joy as that sandwich.

Remember, it is just what I think.

Be Easy.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Its Just What I Think: 5:13 AM

Its Just What I Think: 5:13 AM: "Its 5:13 A.M. I have been up since 4:04 A.M. My son, who is 7 1/2 months old, usually gets up between 3 and 4 to eat. We can't get him en..."

5:13 AM

Its 5:13 A.M.  I have been up since 4:04 A.M.  My son, who is 7 1/2 months old, usually gets up between 3 and 4 to eat.  We can't get him enough formula / cereal to get him through the night.  The real problem comes because if he makes it to 4, then he does not go back to sleep.  Unfortunately, I was up fairly late last night (late if you have to get up at 4), so I  am quite tired.  Luckily, the 2 oldest kids will probably be up in 1 hour or so (sarcasm).

Of course, I should not complain, since just 2 months ago, my son was sleeping considerably worse, so we are moving in the right direction.  I can say, with 100 percent certainty, that I cannot go through the baby stage again. I know some people love it, I, on the other hand, appreciate it for what it is, but I am a not a huge fan.

I hope the older kids sleep for a while.  Like clockwork they get up at between 6 - 6:45.  I don't remember the last time they slept until 7.  What is even better is the later they go to bed, the earlier they get up.  I hear these crazy stories of kids sleeping until 10 (at least that is the story that parents are telling), but God knows my kids aren't doing that.  I guess the trade off is that my kids go to bed early so I/we have the night to ourselves.  I ususally know that our shift is going to end about 7:30 or 8:00 which is a good feeling.  I won't liek though, there are mornings (like right FREAKING NOW!) when I would like my shift to start a little later.

Its all good though.  Looks like another crappy weather day today.  Weird spring weather.

Cardinals lost again.  They have officially removed Sanchez from the closer role, probably time since he continues to walk batters.  I wish they would give Salas a look.  He closed in the minors and he looks calm when he is pitching.  Guess we'll see.  I hope the bullpen (closer) is not the downfall of the 2011 Cardinals because they look like a team that could be very good.  I assume they will trade for a closer as the season progresses if they remain successful.  Heath Bell would look good in a Cardinal uniform.

That is all I have right now, except a big GO BULLS in their series with the Heat.  It starts today.  I pick Bulls in 7, though that may be my heart talking.  Nobody knows yet how the Heat will handle being down in a series.  Also, this is the first series where they don't have home court advantage.  It will be an interesting game tonight.

Also, hope the Thunder win.  I don't mind the Grizzlies, but the Thunder can take it to Dallas.  I have no real rooting interest in the western conference since the Lakers were unceremoniously dumped a week ago.

I hope everybody has a fantastic day.  I will likely write another blog (of more substance) tonight.  I have a few ideas kicking around in my head and I need to get them on the proverbial paper (or screen now).

Lastly, the good thing today -- I was up at 4, as I already discussed, and I flipped on Facebook.  I saw a wall post from one of my best friends,John Fraleigh.  Check out his Facebook page.  In any event, we were college roommates for 5 years (he took a victory lap).  He was married a couple of years ago and he had his first son on May 14, 2011.  He was early by about 5 weeks because they needed to do an emergency C-Section because of a compressed cord.  I could not be happier for John.  He is one of the best guys I know and he will be a fantastic father.  We had some great times.  I can't believe that I first met him in August 1992 when we both started at St. Louis University.  Time flies.

Be Easy

-- CP

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 5 (missed a day) -- Arch City Defenders

This is number 5, but the 6th day.  I missed a day, but I missed it for a good reason.

I attended a fundraiser for an organization that I have been honored to serve on the Board of Directors.  Archcity Defenders is a new law firm in St. Louis that is attempting to bridge the gap between indigent defendants who are represented by attorneys in the Missouri Public Defenders Office and those that cannot afford private counsel.  In addition, they would like to fill gaps and represent individuals who would not qualify for PD services because they are charged in municipal court, but they still require representation.  Finally, they are also hoping to break the "cycle of criminal conduct" by attempting to resolve the myriad of issues that individuals may have that are causing, or contributing to, the criminal conduct.

Please look at their website and see what they are doing.

The attorneys are all relatively young, recent graduates, but their idea is one that would be unbelievably beneficial to the  St. Louis area.  Those who work in, or around, the criminal justice system know that system is not efficient and is more akin to a factory line, pushing people through without any real regard to actual rehabilitation or assistance so the criminal conduct does not reoccur.

Though I am not familiar with the criminal justice systems in other cities, I have no doubt they are run the same way, that is, push people through and keep the system moving.  That simply is not good enough.  This city, and many others, have enough problems and if we do not begin considering ways to address those needs, and the needs of the poorest citizens, then this city, and all cities will become almost inhabitable.

I am one blog down and I will write two in one of the next two days.  I will continue with this topic because I believe it is important, but remember, it is just what I think.

Today was a beautiful day.  Weather was mid 70s and, as a result, I took longer to walk to my car, drove with the windows open, and listened to some music.  Today was  a good day.  Since I am sure you are curious, I was listening to Snoop Dogg's First CD (Doggystyle).  One of the best.

Be Easy

-- CP

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Its Just What I Think: Day 4 -- Wednesday

Its Just What I Think: Day 4 -- Wednesday: "Its day 4. Today was a productive day, even if I did not get done everything that I wanted. I have a CLE tomorrow, so I will not get too m..."

Day 4 -- Wednesday

Its day 4.  Today was a productive day, even if I did not get done everything that I wanted.  I have a CLE tomorrow, so I will not get too much finished.  As I said when I first started this blog, sometimes i will have nothing to say, other times, I will have actual opinions.

I have been thinking, though, about the current state of this country.  I have written before about race, politicians, and other related topics.  Today, I saw a Facebook post from a high-school friend commenting on gas prices as the price of oil continues to drop.  That got me thinking exactly how much corporations control this county.  I am not a "conspiracy" guy, but I do believe that the people have lost all power they were supposed to have in the governing process.  I believe this to be true from local to national government.  Clearly, the businesses have more money to support various candidates (support is a euphemism for bribe, if I wasn't clear). Is there really any doubt that the companies are running things?

If corporations were not in control, the immigration problem would be significantly helped if enforcement focused on the employers of illegal immigrants.  If a couple of businesses were hit with large fines and other criminal penalties they would stop employing them.  In addition those jobs might be given to citizens of the US who are looking for work.  It seems to me that attacking the poor people looking for a better life is the wrong target.  I understand the issue, but if at the same time you are not prosecuting the companies, you are really doing nothing.  As long there is demand, then the supply will keep coming.

This is the same issue with the gas companies.  How do the prices go up when the price of oil drops.  For the longest time you read references to the price of oil and, if OBL was caught, that might help the price.  Guess what, it did help the price of oil.  Unfortunately, Mobile, Shell, BP, and Exxon are keeping the gas prices high.  Has it occurred to anybody to look into this?  If the government is in the business of helping its citizens, why not step in?  Of course, the reason is clear.  Do we think there are four companies with more money to lobby for the type of legislation that benefits them?

Clearly, the Government has stopped working for the people.  Certainly they are not working for the regular citizen, the wealthy may get benefits, but the regular citizen has no power in the current structure.  when will it change?  How will it change?

Today, my wife took a sticker from my oldest daughter (5 stickers equals a trip to the park), but my wife decided to let my daughter earn it back.  I got home about 7:30 and was told how all of this went down.  I went into my daughter's room and we talked.  She asked if she could have her sticker back.  I told her it depended on her behavior.  Later she called me in to discuss the sticker.  I told her that she would get the sticker tomorrow (Thursday).  She began crying.  i asked why was she crying?  She told me she was crying b/c she did not earn her sticker back for Wednesday so she would not have enough stickers for the trip to the park.  This was amusing to me b/c she figured she needed the sticker today to get credit today.  Funny girl.

as it turns out, she did earn the sticker back and we'll put it on the calendar tomorrow.

Remember, this is just what I think.

Be Easy

- CP

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Its Just What I Think: Day 3

Its Just What I Think: Day 3: "This is day 3. I know it does not seem like much, but it is the most days in a row I have posted. I don't have much to say tonight (surpri..."

Day 3

This is day 3.  I know it does not seem like much, but it is the most days in a row I have posted.  I don't have much to say tonight (surprisingly).

Tonight, I ate dinner with my nephew (son of my sister who passed away last year).  We always have a good time and today was no different.  Today we discussed his 12 year old daughter and some challenges she has been presenting.  As importantly, we discussed our up coming depositions for the law suit filed by my sister's husband related to her death.  I explained the deposition and how it will go.  We discussed how horrible it is going to be.

The other side wants to take my deposition and, frankly, I don't know why.  Rationally, I understand they have to depose everybody who might have relevant information related to my sister's death.  Emotionally, though, I have no interest in sitting through some inane deposition with jack off lawyers and their various assistants and associates.  I don't think my nephew or the rest of the family have any idea who emotionally draining it could be to relive relationships with Veronica and her illness, the mistakes, and her ultimate death.  Not good to say the least.  I assume the depos will be soon, and I really want them to be finished.  not so much for me, but for my nephews, neice, and Veronica's sister.  Hopefully, this will be over soon.  It seems like, though, it is going on forever...

On a lighter note, the Cardinals won again.  Good game, good timely hitting, and great result.  This team has the chance to be very good (certainly better than the Cubs).  I am really looking forward to this season.  I never did follow up with anybody about the businessman's special, but I think I'm going on the 19th.  Need to make a decision.

Finally, we had the parent-teacher conference for our oldest today (she is in pre-school, so its not like its 9th grade conferences), but it was nice to hear positive things about our daughter.  She misses the cut-off for kindergarten by 2 months so she'll do "junior kindergarten" next year.  She likes to go to school, so we are doing all right so far.  Seems to me, as long as she likes to learn, then we can keep her on the right path, and by right path, I mean off the pole.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am going to end every one of these with something that made me smile, laugh, or just something positive.  Today, I had dinner with my nephew.  We always have a good time together, and, though we don't spend enough time together, it is always a great time to hang out with him.

That's all I have tonight.  I hope everybody sleeps well.

Be Easy.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Its Just What I Think: Day 2

Its Just What I Think: Day 2: "It is day 2 of my 30 posts in 30 days. I am sure all of you are waiting with baited breath (all 4 of you that read this :) In any event, t..."

Day 2

It is day 2 of my 30 posts in 30 days.  I am sure all of you are waiting with baited breath (all 4 of you that read this :)  In any event, today was a fairly regular day.  Nothing too big happened, which I suppose is a good thing.  We had the normal battles with our 4 year old over bed time, but that is the norm right now.

I watched the Laker game yesterday and I was disgusted, as so many others, with the cheap shots taken by Odom and Bynum.  Unlike some of my friends though (or 1) I will not disavow my love of the Lakers over those missteps.  Clearly, it was dirty play, but it happens.  While some act like it is the end of the world, it is nothing more than frustrated people doing somethign the shouldn't do.  I am not going to lie here and say I haven't played a little dirty depending on teh circumstances. hell, I may have taken a cheap shot in my days on the court if frustrated enough.

The Cardinals are off today, as I assume most everybody with a computer knows.  They are playing extremely well and I am getting excited about this team.  I am considering going to the businessman's special on the 19th.  I need somebody to go with me, but I suppose even if nobody can go (which would be reasonable) I may go anyway.  I am getting excited over this team.  The young pitchers are exciting and the offense appears to have some staying power.  In a previous post, I predicted a win total of 70 - 75.  It appears my pessimism has motivated the team to play significantly better.  I have no doubt I have that type of control over the Cardinals and their record.

Finally, I have been waiting for a ruling from the 8th circuit on the owners request for a permanent stay pending the appeal in the matter now pending before the Court. As many know, the Court granted the request for a temporary stay, but has not ruled ont he request for a permanant stay.  I am thiking they are going to find for the Owners or not rule on the request.  I think, though, that will not predictive of whether the 8th Circuit will ultimately reverse the District Court's ruling.  I am not a labor lawyer (unions, and such), but the District Court's ruling was well reasoned.  It seems that many commentators are relying on the 8th Circuit's conservative bent (most of the judges were appointed by republican presidents) as a reason they will reverse the ruling.  The only think I know is the Judges some times change views while on the Court.  In addition, at their core, Judges are supposed to follow the law.  I am not so naive as to believe that is what Judges always do, in fact, I could probably argue they are more likely to determine the result they want and use what ever reasoning or logic (no matter how stretched) go get to the result they want.  m

My beliefs on that issue, though, has likely been shaped by the Courts opniins (and I mean all Courts from Supreme Court on down) regarding various criminal issues.  It seems the Courts determine what they want to happen (unless it is an eggregious violation or error) and use what they need to get there.

In any event, I am extremely interested in this issue and I look forward to discussing their various rulings as this moves forward.

I have more to say (shocking to those that know me), but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

One thing  I am going to begin on this blog every time I post is mentioning one thing that made me smile.  Today, like most days, it was my daughter, Lucy.  As usual, when I walked in the door, from her crib, she jumped up and began calling my name so I would give her a hug and kiss goodnight (this was before Lily threatened to get up).  I will not make every one of these about my kids, but I thought the first one should, appropriately, be about them.

Remember, this is just what I think.

Be easy

- cp
Today, my smile

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I am 37 years old today.  Yes, today is my birthday. It is 5:21 AM.  I am quite amazed that I am 37 years old.  I don't know why, but it feels a older (which, of course, it is).  I have meant to post more frequently, so I am going to do.  now that I am 37 (such a milestone!), I am going to post 30 times in 30 days.  I do not expect all of them to be good or master pieces (not that my previous posts have been), but still, the posts are coming.  I like writing, whether it be short stories, my opinions on a wide range of topics, or simply stream of consciousness  musings about the goings on in a particular day.  

As for today, I am writing to declare that I can not celebrate death.  In the aftermath of the Osama  assassination, and let's not fool ourselves, it was an assassination, I can not join the thousands, if not millions, of people who celebrate the death.  After seeing the various videos that have been released, I am even more disgusted by the celebrations.  This is not to say that I do not understand why it was done, or that Osama's  death may, ultimately, be a very important step on the so called "war on terror" (war on terror seems similar to war on drugs, a lot of money going into a slogan that sounds great but gets us nowhere), but celebrating death is not something I will take part in.

The irony, of course, in the pictures of college students, and other citizens, hopping around in celebration is remarkably similar to the pictures from the Middle East after 9/11.  Does anybody involved in those celebrations recognize that?  do they see that perhaps we are not as different as we would like to make ourselves out to be?  Clearly, what we did was not a terrorist act, but celebrating death of anybody is wrong. I am uncomfortable by it and, frankly, it is disappointing that so many people celebrated his death. 

Earlier this week, I found this quote :

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"

Of course, now, there have been articles that show this quote is not from Martin Luther King.  Frankly, I don't give a shit whether it is an MLK quote or a quote from John the bum who lives under highway 40.  The point of the quote is the reason that I, and probably others, posted the quote.  It is interesting that articles come out proving it is not an MLK quotation, but no articles (I found) discussing the point of the quote and discussing if, perhaps, it is a quote that we should read, consider, and perhaps try to remember when we are celebrating the death of another human being.

Lastly, though Osama was clearly a man whose beliefs made him justify the deaths of thousands of innocent people, do we want to believe that certain deaths are justified?  do we want to be the judge and jury for those people we believe deserve to die?  I am not ready for that responsibility.  I won't take it on.  I will not celebrate death in any form or of anybody.  

I believe it is wrong to celebrate death.  

Remember, this is just what I think.

Be well.  


Friday, April 22, 2011

Politicians -- represent the people?

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking more often about our "representatives" and what they are actually doing for us, the people of the United States.  It is clear their only real reason for doing anything is because it helps them stay elected, make more money, or some other reason wholly unrelated to the people they supposedly serve.

The First Example:  The People of MO voted to pass Proposition B which essentially placed restrictions on dog breeding (size of cages, outside time, etc).  The agricultural community voted against it (generally) b/c it would negatively affect their business.  The MO legislature, in all of its glory, has proposed legislation that wll effectively dismantle the proposition APPROVED BY THE VOTERS.  Can there be any good reason for them to do this?  Even in districts where the proposition overwhelmingly passed some local reps are supporting the revision.  There have been discussions regarding a negotiated resolution, but the problem is more serious than that, why is a negotiated resolution necessary?  If the people voted, they voted.

I do not  know the ins and outs of the proposition or bill.  The point, though, is the representatives are not answering to the voters.  Why don't they, b/c in the end they will be re-elected anyway or the benefit to them, personally, is too strong to pass up.

The Second Example: Todd Akin supported the UIGEA (internet gambling bill).  He has stated he opposes internet gambling.  I listen to a radio show in the  mornings on the way to work where the lead is an on-line poker guy.  he has requested Akin to appear on the show and discuss his view point after the Justice Department went after the major on-line poker sites.  McCaskill and Gov. Nixon have joined the show to give their viewpoints.  Akin has refused b/c he is "too busy.".  His attitude is an example of a larger problem.  The representatives answer to US.  We put them in their jobs.  We are the reason that they go to DC or Jeff City (or pick your state capitol).  Without us, somebody else would be in their position.  why do they forget that?

Did they ever care?  Was it all a game.  I know people who assume the whole system is corrupt and, frankly, right now it appears it is.  The politicians care about one thing -- KEEPING THEIR POWER.  It is a major problem in the City of St. Louis, MO, and DC.  I doubt there is anybody who knows what those people actually really believe. God knows, I don't.  It seems to me it is time for voters to do somethign about this.  These people don't care about you, me, my children, your children, or our respective parents.

True change NEVER comes from the top.  The people in charge don't want change b/c it might result in lesser power for them.  Change is a bottom up phenomon.  Change is needed.  Not Change like Obama championed (full disclosure, I voted for him).  Change that actually results in change.  This country needs it.  It needs representatives and politicians who listen to their voters, consider what teh voters want, and make decisions based upon that.

I'll have more later (to those that read this crap :), but I'm at work.

Have a great Easter (or hope you had a great Passover), or whatever you celebrate, even if you only celebrate Saturday.

Remember, its only what I think

- CP

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cardinals, Lincoln, and other stuff

I am sitting on my couch thinking about the Cardinals, why Lincoln won't go to sleep, and why is my 4 year old sleeping with her head in the doorway.  I am thinking about my criminal trial tomorrow.  I am thinking about how did I end up with this family (in a good way :).  I am wondering why ATT Uverse is blacking out some Cardinal games because they don't want to pay the increased fee charged by Fox Sports Midwest.

I have a lot on my mind...though none of it is particularly serious or important.  Of course, my trial is important.  I will be in Division 18 in the City of St. Louis.  Defendant is charged with Tampering 1st Degree (driving stolen car) and Possession of a Controlled Substance (heroin).  I think I actually have a chance.  Should be interesting.  I'll give another update tomorrow.  The case is a PD contract, meaning the state paid me to represent somebody who cannot afford counsel.  That's a good thing.  I believe, as strongly as I do about anything, that all people deserve a competent attorney to represent them, regardless of what they have done.

In any event, we'll see how it shakes out.  As for the Cardinals, they appear to be playing better, but I am a little skeptical about this year's edition.  This is the first year in a while where I really believe they may only finish with 70 - 75 wins.  I don't know why, but the vibe is not real good.  I hope I am wrong because there is nothing better than August and September in St. Louis when the Cardinals are in the race.  At the very least, it allows me to have multiple conversations with my father weekly about how they are doing.

That is something that I will always remember (not that he is going anywhere right now).  On that note, my brother and I are taking my dad to Pebble Beach for a short golf trip in August.  I can't wait for me, but I know he is looking forward to it also.  He is freaking seventy years old.  That absolutely amazes me.  My mom is 68 tomorrow.  unreal.  I guess there is nothing we can do about our parents getting older.

Lastly, I took the two oldest girls to Florida last week.  We had a good time, even though Lily came down with a stomach bug on the FREAKING PLANE.  She threw up 5 times on the plane and another 6 times in the car ride to my parents house.  It ended up all good though.  she loved the beach more than any other part of the trip.

Finally (mean it this time), I am on the Board of Directors for a non-profit, Arch City Defenders. The fundraiser is May 12 at McGurks.  you can check out the link for more information.

as you can see if you ever read this blog, sometimes I write about serious issues (race, etc).  sometimes it is stream of consciousness.  I am still trying to get the hang of it.  Hope you enjoy and don't forget

this is just what I think (or what I am thinking)...


Sunday, March 27, 2011

6 AM

Its 6 AM.  I have been up for about 30 minutes with Lincoln.  My wife stayed up earlier  He has RSV and we have had a difficult week or so.  He is getting better.  I mention this not for pity, but b/c it leads to something that has been rattling around in my head on these mornings (many have been earlier than this one).  This one, actually, was good.  Last week, it was much worse and he is getting better.

I look at my son, and I see my son.  He is rather light skinned, blue eyes (I know), and sandy brown hair (that which he actually has).  My daughters also are light skinned, but not fair like white people.  The oldest has brown hair, brown eyes.  They younger girl has very dark hair.  Her skin tone may be a little darker than both other kids.  My skin tone is clearly darker.  My wife, for those that don't know, is white.

The questions is simple, what will people see when they see my children?  What do people see when they see me?  Am I black? Am I white?  Am I mixed (bi-racial if I am being politically correct)?  What am I?  how many people see me as a person.  I know my friends see me as a person, but in Court, or in the store, or when driving, what do people see?  What should they see?

I have been considering these ideas as the children get older primarily b/c the oldest is asking more questions. Her questions are innocent -- why is my skin darker.  what is brown papa (my dad) darker?  why is mom lighter.  Those answers are easy, but as we all know the questions will get harder as she, and all of the children grow up.

What am I?  What are they?  Of course, the best question is who are they?  who am I?  That question, while it might be right, is often the question that is not asked.  I did not intend to write about race regularly on this site, though, I think the conversation is too important to not discuss.  It is a matter that is near and dear to my heart.  Not because I am who I am, but because I firmly believe the only way to improve things even more is to discuss our beliefs, our prejudices, our stereotypes, and our ideals so that race is not in the background, but instead, it is in the forefront. It needs to be discussed so that my children don't have to worry about whether sees them as White, Black, or something else.  They need to grow up, and live, in a place where it simply doesn't matter.

Until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood human being,


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Labor Unrest

I was at the Blues game with a close friend on mine on Saturday.  We began talking about the NFL lockout, what it means, etc.  I, for some reason, find the entire thing extremely compelling.  I don't know the ins and outs of the situation, but the decertification and subsequent lawsuit intrigues me.  I don't know what the Federal Court will do as it relates to the Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by the players.  Since they are not a union, their arguments that 32 separate business cannot impose consistent rules that limit player movement is interesting.  I have no idea if it has any real chance of prevailing, but you would think the owners would be concerned.

The owners can't take the chance the players win, can they?  If the players win, what would that mean for the League?  Clearly, they would only use it for levereage so the players can get a bigger piece of the pie.  Which leads to the reason our discussion Saturday was interesting to me.

My friend clearly sides with the players (at least in our argument).  I find this interesting b/c he works for a big company, though he worked in the public defenders office with me.  I do not know on which side I am on, if any.  It is a little sickening that the two sides can't come up with a reasonable resolution to the problem.  I understand the players feel like they should continue getting a large piece of the pie.  The owners, though, were only excercising their rights, rights contained int he Agreement, by opting out.  They believed the deal was not good enough.  The players take physical risk.  The Owners take financial risks by building stadiums.  I think, also, people forget they are the owners.

I don't think the employees at 7-11 get a portion of the revenue from the company.  Of course, as my friend said, the employees at 7-11 are not the reason you go to 7-11.  The NFL players are the ultimate reason people go to games.  I disagree with that, though, b/c I think people go for the teams (Steelers, Cowboys, etc).

Interesting times.  Will they really screw up a multi billion dollar business?  I can't believe they will, but nothing would surprise me.  Seems that the world is going the wrong direction so who knows.

As an aside, I am going to try to write more frequently on this blog.  I have enjoyed the small amount of writing that I have done and plan on writing more.  I still don't know if there will ultimately be a focus to this thing, other than whatever is on my mind, but that could change over time.

Be easy.

Your friendly neighborhood human being.,


Monday, February 21, 2011

Thinking About Things

I have been thinking about things.  After reading this and this , I began thinking about race in this country.  I find it extremely interesting to listen to people discuss race, read about it, and consider what it all means.  The article linked above discusses the name "Washington" and how it became the blackest name in America.  As an initial matter, it is a source of great pride that the writer used Black.  I can not stand the term African American.  It means nothing, and, really, is quite insulting.

At least it would be if anybody actually thought about what it  means.  But I digress.  The race discussion is interesting b/c nobody wants to talk about it. People pretend that it is not an issue, when, quite frankly, it is an issue in everything that we do.

Buzz Bissenger just wrote an article, about NBA and its fans, trying to illustrate why people don't like the NBA. Now, I know that he is polarizing and many people might disagree, but I do think that his thoughts are not that far off.  Now the relevant question that needs to be asked is whether it is racist for a white person to say they don't like the NBA b/c it has too many black players or not enough white players?  is that racism?  I think not, not when Blacks are permitted, on a regular basis to say they don't like the NHL b/c there are no black players.  I am not sure that's racism.  It might be stupid, but not racist.  Isn't it usual or normal for people to like or follow people who are like them.  If they are country boys, they prefer to watch country boys.  If they are city boys, they prefer to watch city boys. At its heart, that is because human beings try gather and relate to groups of people that are like them.  Of course, I, of all people, believe that people should be open minded, meet different types of people and expand horizons.  I am not suggesting that segregation is the answer (considering I have a white wife, and 3 mixed kids ((mixed twice)).  

However, this fact does cause some interesting situations.   An older lady asked my wife if our daughter was hers?  is that offensive to me?  No.  At least she asked as opposed to assuming something that wasn't true.  As human beings, we operate with stereotypes and prejudices.  It is how we are wired.  Would it be better if these stereotypes and prejudices were not hardwired into our brain, of course, but that is not how it is.

Instead of ignoring them, and acting as if they don't matter or we can repress them, we should instead acknowledge them, try to understand why they are there and deal with them.  What are the stereotypes that blacks have about whites, or vice versa or whites have about Asians, and what Indians have about White people. The point is that they exist in everybody and they should be discussed in non-threatening and insulting way so there is an actual discourse and discussion.  The discussion is how people realize that the prejudice and stereotypes are wrong and that is when minds actually become open.

The same is true for how people view homosexuals, illegal immigrants, or any other group.  The discussion is what matters.  We need to thicken our skin, and have discussions about these issues because that is the only way we move past them.

As discussed in the first article, a person with a white name "Emily Walsh" is 50% more likely to receive a call for an interview then a black name, Lakeisha Washington.  Why is this true?  Would those employers even admit they don't call people back because the applicant has a "black" name?  If they won't admit it, how do we correct it?  Have I benefited b/c my name is  Chris Pickett?  Would I be where I am if my name was Tyrone Jefferson?  Interesting questions that have no real answer.In any event, I hope that one day we can have a real discussion that results in solutions and not the same denials that race plays no part in our views, decisions, philosophies, where we live, where we send our kids to school, and almost every other decision we make whether that decision was made subconsciously or not.

I should note, for the record, I am mixed (bi-racial).  
Be easy.

I should note I am bi-racial (mixed) and quite proud of it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Night

I am sitting in my house listening to my son sleep and thinking about how things "used" to be.  My friends and I, and they know who they are, did alot of things we probably should not have.  On the other hand, if I did not have those experiences, would I be the person I am today?

I do konw that I hope remember what I did so I can keep an eye on the kids, but also understand where they may be coming from.  they are little now, only 4, 21 mos, and 4 mos, but they will be bigger very soon.  As they grow, I'll try to remember what it was like growing up.  Try to remember the insecurity, the periods of having no confidence, the periods when things were going well, the times you were happy, and the times you were sad.  Try to remember what it was like to wonder and obsess about whether a specific girl likes you?  About whether your friends liked you and what was going on.  In the end, we all muddle through, God knows I did.

There were times when I was younger that I really thought things could not be any worse.  I felt like I was a nobody and that nobody cared if I lived or died.  There were other times when I beleive I was the absolute "shit" and nobody could touch me.  Interesting swing and I think, as an adult, its important to remember how you felt as your kids grow up.  Try to remember that they are going through things that, to them, are the most important things that could ever happen to them.  They are thinking about things that, to them, mean life or death.  They are stressing about who to ask to prom or homecoming.  They are worried about whether a certain boy or girl likes them.  They are wondering if the "hello" in the hallway meant something or did it mean nothing at all  Was the Girl messing with you or did she really mean it when she smiled.  Did the boy tap your shoulder on purpose, or did he do it for no reason at all.

Will you make the basketball team?  Will your parents be upset at you if you don't make it?  Should you even keep playing?  I know that I am gonig to try to remember those things as I raise these kids.  I hope that I can remember those things, because I think it will help me relate to them and help them through the issues they may have.

That's all I have.  I ran the second day of my "training" to run a 5K.  I haven't run a 5K since highschool when Ryan Meegan bet me that I could not beat him.  We ran the St. Patrick's Day 5K.  I won.  I haven't even considered doing one since then, but I am going to finish this training and run the 5K.  On a related note, I am down 8 pounds since 1/1/11.  I am at 288.  I want to hit 260 by August 2011.  I see no reason why i can't do that.

Be kind, be well, and be easy.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stuff and not much more

Some random thoughts that have been swirling around in my head.
The Pro Bowl sucks.  I read today that it garnered the most viewers of any professional all-star game.  So what. That is not winning anything.  That is barely getting by.  Who cares?  The game is horrible.  42 - 0 before the AFC decided to try a little.  By then, the NFC had stopped playing.

I do not know about you, but this Albert Pujols negotiation is getting very old very fast.  Either sign him or don't, but the constant articles are killing me.  I read that Jayson Stark (ESPN) wrote that the Cardinals were Albert Pujols, or some such thing.  That is patently ridiculous.  I am 36 years old.  I have loved the Cardinals for as long as I can remember.  Will I stop loving them if he leaves.  No.  Hell, as long as they make a reasonable offer, I am good with that.  I am not certain he will take that.  For all of his discussion of God, he seems to be driven by the almight dollar.

speaking of God and religion.  I grew up Catholic.  I went to Mass.  I had First Communion, Confirmation, etc.  I have confessed my sins to man on the otherside of a wooden screen.  I work for a Jew.  I know people who are very religious and I know athiests (or people who could be athiests).  The only thing I have noticed in all of them, they are not that different.  I know people get very worked up about religion, but, frankly there is not much difference between the people.  Considering this, it makes no sense that people argue, fight, cajole, become enraged, yell, snipe, and scream about religion and whose religion is better, stronger, etc.  I guess, though, in the end people need to feel like they belong and its not really belonging if you let everybody in.  You need to exclude people so your group appears to better which, in turn, helps people's self worth and confidence.

In a perfect world, people would have that self worth and confidence without the group dynamic, but, alas it si not to be for the majority of people.

I just finished reading Hunger Games.  The book was very good.  I know that it was primarily written for young adults, but the story was fantastic.  The story moved very quickly.  The story revolves around a young woman / girl who is forced to take part in the barbaric games of the government to protect her younger sister. I was impressed and I recommend it to anybody looking for an easy, quick, but entertaining read.

Finally, as I sit in my chair before a "historic" snow storm, I am thinking, Man I want it to be spring.  I am friggin tired of WINTER.  I need some warmth.

Be Easy and Be Happy.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

As I mentioned in a previous entry, I am the father of 3 small children.  The oldest is 4, the second is 20 months, the smallest is 3 1/2 months (the boy).  I have tried, and continue to try, to instill certain values in them.  Question  what you read or hear.  Don't accept what anybody tells you as gospel truth.  Be curious.  Be respectful.  Share what you have.

I have tried to keep the oldest aware that not everybody has the stuff we have.  Some people don't have enough food, clothes, etc.  We try (and I hope all parents try) to show their kids the people we'd like them to be.  Lord knows I am trying.  It is difficult, though, to be the person you want them to be.  I tend to be impatient, judgmental, and often unfairly critical of people I don't even know.  I don't want my kids to be that way.

In any event, we just keep pushing forward and teaching what we hope is how to be a good person.  Interestingly, my daughter will start soccer next week.  All of the lessons we teach (sharing, don't take things from people) will be untaught during teh first practice.  Like most sports, you have to try to take the ball.  You don't share with people that are not on your team.  in fact, somebody might actually get pushed to the ground.  I am curious how she will handle the change in lessons.

A friend of ours from down the street has a 4 year old boy.  He joined soccer last summer and had some trouble with the competition.  I dont' think that is abnormal.  For a child's early life, we teach them to act a ceratin way, and then they join a soccer or basketball team and those lessons don't serve them well.  I know it is part of them growing up, but I am interested in how children handle that change.

I suppose it is really just more of life and learning.  In the end, we do the best we can with the kids and hope they turn out a little better than us.

By the way, enjoy this link.  I found this unbelievably funny.  It is video of a woman texting, not watching where she was going, and falling in a fountain.  Maybe we all should be more aware of our surroundings. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Day

Its MLK day and I have read countless posts, seen people post video  s of his speeches, and seen countless commercials and specials regarding what MLK meant, and means, to people.  I have read interviews with Black athletes in which they try to describe what MLK meant to them and what he did for them.

All of it is bullshit.  I read quotes that people post.  I see videos people post.  I see commercials, specials, and interviews, and in all of these instances I wonder how many people really are trying to move forward from the hideous past that is the United States. Clearly those that have posted quotes and videos understand what MLK meant.  They probably try to live as he lived in their own lives.  God knows, I could do better at that, but the advertisements, commercials, interviews, and specials just cause me more pain.

Athletes today have no real understanding of what it could have been like for MLK.  Why?  B/c they don't know what is like today to be a "normal" person. so many of them are so far removed from reality they could not begin to understand how things are for normal people.

I don't pretend to understand what is  like growing up in North St. Louis.  I did not have to.  I was blessed with great parents who were able to provide my brother and I a childhood where we wanted for nothing.  Consequently, I have had the benefit of good schools, college, law school, and other benefits that many people just do not have.

I have, though, in my practice represented hundreds of people who have grown up poor.  I have heard the stories about how difficult it really is to move forward.  How difficult it is to go to school, when nobody cares if you go.  How it is almost impossible to find a job near your home b/c the businesses have closed.  I have heard, and even understand, that growing up in a neighborhood where you have to be worried about gun shots is something that is unknown to most people.

The question is would MLK have stood by and done nothing while there are children in these neighborhoods living like that?  Would have have placed blame or played the victim?  Or would he have empowered people to come together and change their neighborhoods together.  One person may not be able to change teh world, but one person can inspire thousands and those thousands can change the world.

MLK was that person.  Are there any more of those people left?  There seems to be a dearth of leadership that can effect real change.  Perhaps it is cynicism, perhaps I am jaded, but where is that person.  Why do we (Black People) play the victim?  why blame others when the problems are in our own house, own neighborhoods.  I know the solution will not be easy, it will take work, but the solution is out there.  It is found in the teachings of history, by MLK, by John F. Kennedy, other philosophers, and people who have suggested or wrote that you need to look inward to effect change.  Will the neighborhoods change b/c the Mayor wants it to change or will they change when the neighborhoods actually decide things are different from this point forward.  Its time for that change.

Be happy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Eyes of a Child

Today, I took my two oldest daughers (4 and 20 months) to City Museum.  On weekends, I try to take them someplace fun, the zoo, the science center, etc.  I love spending tiem with them, but maybe for reasons that you would not expect.  Of course, they are my girls.  I would do anything for them, in a heartbeat, but I find myself being able to do things that I just did not do before I had children. Taking these trips with them to various places has made me realize the benefit of seeing life, again, through the eyes of a child.

I am a lawyer.  I deal with people's problems every day.  People call me, in a panic, b/c they need something or want something.  Usually, if they are coming in to see me, they have had a particularly bad day.  Thigns are not good.  Further, I often deal with people who are not being honest to me for one reason or another.  This tends to make me (and I think most people) cynical and jaded.  It makes you into the adult you told yourself that you would never be.

As I take these trips with the kids, as I talk to them, as I watch them look at things and get exicted, it reminds me of the joy that you felt, as a kid, when you looked at something.  You remember the wonderment, the innocence, the pure unadulterated happiness that came from playing outside, going to the zoo, seeing a bird's nest, or splaching in a puddle.

I know, that as an adult, it is tough to remember all of the fun that you (we) used to have.  We all sprinted like we had no cares in teh world.  We all splashed in puddles.  We all rode our bikes with reckless abandon.  We all looked at lions and tigers in amazement.  We all looked at bird's nest and actually thought about what it took for the bird to make it.  We all walked into the zoo and were so excited that we could not help ourselves.  We had to sprint from one animal to another.  We all wanted to ride the carousel.  We all wanted to see the apes and monkeys.  We all liked sliding down slides, and climbing on monkey bars.  We all pretended to be something or someone else.  We all had fun.

I notice now, that there are a lot of adults that have simply forgotten how to have fun.  Not adult fun, just fun.  how many people do you know that still laugh at silly jokes, that actually look like they are happy with their lives.  if there is one thing to learn from kids (and I think there are many things to learn from them) its actually try to be happy. its look at things like they do, for the first time.  Its get excited about something fun and new or different.  Its be nice and kind to people.  its avoiding using the word "hate".  its a lot of things that we, as adults, have forgotten.

These are just more of my beliefs, thoughts, and philosophies.  Be happy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This is my first blog post, EVER.  I have never done this before but there is a lot going on that I thought I should or could comment on.  I am going to use this blog as a diary, for stories, and for my opinions on various matters, from politics to sports.  I have opinions, and I will probably share them here.  You may not like them, and many of them probably won't be popular, but they are mine.  I will share my basic philosophies of life, what I want and, more importantly, what i hope to share with my children.  I hope you like reading this as much as I like writing it.  

I will try to update this every other day or so, but if something strikes me, I'll write about it.  I know that to get your blog to be popular, I am supposed to focus the informatioin.  I am doing the exact opposite.  I will write what I want, when I want.
