
Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Day

Its MLK day and I have read countless posts, seen people post video  s of his speeches, and seen countless commercials and specials regarding what MLK meant, and means, to people.  I have read interviews with Black athletes in which they try to describe what MLK meant to them and what he did for them.

All of it is bullshit.  I read quotes that people post.  I see videos people post.  I see commercials, specials, and interviews, and in all of these instances I wonder how many people really are trying to move forward from the hideous past that is the United States. Clearly those that have posted quotes and videos understand what MLK meant.  They probably try to live as he lived in their own lives.  God knows, I could do better at that, but the advertisements, commercials, interviews, and specials just cause me more pain.

Athletes today have no real understanding of what it could have been like for MLK.  Why?  B/c they don't know what is like today to be a "normal" person. so many of them are so far removed from reality they could not begin to understand how things are for normal people.

I don't pretend to understand what is  like growing up in North St. Louis.  I did not have to.  I was blessed with great parents who were able to provide my brother and I a childhood where we wanted for nothing.  Consequently, I have had the benefit of good schools, college, law school, and other benefits that many people just do not have.

I have, though, in my practice represented hundreds of people who have grown up poor.  I have heard the stories about how difficult it really is to move forward.  How difficult it is to go to school, when nobody cares if you go.  How it is almost impossible to find a job near your home b/c the businesses have closed.  I have heard, and even understand, that growing up in a neighborhood where you have to be worried about gun shots is something that is unknown to most people.

The question is would MLK have stood by and done nothing while there are children in these neighborhoods living like that?  Would have have placed blame or played the victim?  Or would he have empowered people to come together and change their neighborhoods together.  One person may not be able to change teh world, but one person can inspire thousands and those thousands can change the world.

MLK was that person.  Are there any more of those people left?  There seems to be a dearth of leadership that can effect real change.  Perhaps it is cynicism, perhaps I am jaded, but where is that person.  Why do we (Black People) play the victim?  why blame others when the problems are in our own house, own neighborhoods.  I know the solution will not be easy, it will take work, but the solution is out there.  It is found in the teachings of history, by MLK, by John F. Kennedy, other philosophers, and people who have suggested or wrote that you need to look inward to effect change.  Will the neighborhoods change b/c the Mayor wants it to change or will they change when the neighborhoods actually decide things are different from this point forward.  Its time for that change.

Be happy.

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